Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Can someone out me out of my misery?

I think I mentioned before that we didn't get to do fertility treatments this cycle because Nathan was working out of town and we couldn't guarantee he would be in at the right time. Turns out he was in at the right time, so I was hopeful that we would have a chance. Well, my body reverted right back to it's old ways without the drugs, and I am only 10 days after ovulation, and I am pretty sure this cycle is over. The even worse thing about that is Nate and I looked at his travel schedule and counted out when I would ovulate with the meds, hopefully, making sure he would be home. I counted out 16 days from the "likely" beginning of my cycle. Anyway, I got the dates wrong, so next month might be a bust also. Either way, I learned my lesson last month, I am taking the meds because if by some chance we don't miss it, then I want the best chance possible.

On to month 14...

1 comment:

Michael & Amanda Soape said...

Oh no not again. I think that you should take a day off and meet him wherever he will be